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Eric Barlow, CHFC®
Founder, Partner

Eric is involved in all aspects of Andina’s efforts to serve its clients with an emphasis client experience and his role in portfolio construction through his seat on the Investment Committee. Prior to Andina, Eric was a Partner and Investment Committee Member at Alta Capital Management.
He has also been involved with arranging funding for early-stage companies at Sunrise Capital Management, LLC, providing private debt financing as a partner at BLoC Capital Management, LLC, and acting as an advisor to high-net-worth individuals and institutions as a Partner in Sterling Financial Group (a fee-based financial consulting firm). At Sterling, he also co-founded Meridian Capital Management, an associated investment advisory firm selecting leading money managers with different investing styles and blending them to optimize risk adjusted returns.
Eric has a BA degree from the University of Utah.
Eric enjoys playing with his grandson, hanging with family and friends, reading, music and movies, boating, hiking, fishing, golfing, weight training and exercise, traveling, University of Utah Football, and eating great food.